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How to become a CA?

What is CA?
Chartered Accountants are one of the most reputated professionals in India. It’s very tough to get degree. Once you will get it then it offers a great career opportunity, salary, and reputation among people. its demand in the market is keep rising. that is the reason it is one of most popular professional course in the commerce field. To achieve the degree student must show the dedication, hard work and patience during its preparation.
If you think you are well dedicated, then let you take a look its career guide!
What is Chartered Accountancy:
Chartered Accountancy is a professional course of accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial assessment for an individual or an organisation in the commere field. Chartered Accountant is a kind of degree which is given to an accounting professional who has received certification from a statutory body called ICAI. Chartered Accountancy includes filing tax returns, auditing financial statements and business practices, registration of the business organisation with the government, maintaining records of investments, preparing and reviewing financial reports and documents, etc. A professionally trained Chartered Accountant is also qualified to offer advisory services to clients which include companies and individuals.
The certification of Chartered Accountancy is the prerequisite to professional practice as a CA in India. Becoming a certified Chartered Accountant requires completing three levels of training designed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The ICAI is a statutory body that regulates and maintains the profession of chartered accountancy in India. Under the Scheme of Education and Training, a candidate can pursue a Chartered Accountancy course either through Foundation Course Route or Direct Entry Route. Foundation course is the entry point into the course after Class 12, and the Direct Entry route is for those who have completed Graduation.
Chartered Accountancy (CA) Eligibility Criteria:
To pursue Chartered Accountancy course, the candidate has to attend training and clear examinations at various course levels, conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
There are three main course levels in the CA course – Foundation, Intermediate and Final.
Eligibility Criteria for CA Foundation:
- The candidate must have passed Class 12 and completed four months of study period after CA registration to be able to appear for Foundation examination.
- The candidate needs to register with Board of Studies and complete four months of study period.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What degree do you need to become a CA?
CA education requirements include either direct entry or by passing CA foundation entrance exam. Anyone may appear in foundation exam after passing class 12. Those who would like to make direct entry in the intermediate course must have completed graduation with minimum 55% marks.
How long does it take to start a CA career?
The educational and experience requirements for CA licensure typically take 5 years to complete. .
Are CA jobs in demand?
A CA jobs are highly in demand and its pacakge is more satisfacory when you have good amount of experience. Those who secures an experience of more than 10 years would be paid more than Rs 20 lakhs per annum and above the age of 20 years would be 50-70 lakh per annum.